Getmyuni: An Education Hub

Some of the things that came to my mind when i was about to start to pursue my undergraduation like college, the facilities available in the college, etc. Then i came to know about Getmyuni  which is an amazing platform for students to shape their career. This website Getmyuni ) provides all the resources as required for an aspiring student. I would suggest you all to have an look an look at this amazing website.

What is Getmyuni?
Getmyuni is an education hub for aspiring students to pursue their dreams by providing them enough resources for every field of study., I found that its has some amazing content to provide as compared to another websites.

Three things that I loved about Getmyuni:

Competitions: The competition section of the website is very much attractive which helps students to showcase their talent, which is well organized on the website which lets students to know easily about various types of competition which is usually not found on a single website and very well organized.

Study Abroad Section: This section gives completely information about the country’s complete information like why to choose specific country scholarships, how to apply for visa etc and every information possible to survive in that specific country. This section is very unique as compared to other websites which usually gives information about few countries.

Entrance Exam Preparation: I think this section provides enough resources to a student to prepare for entrance exams which is very unique.

Two things to improve upon:

User Interface: The color combination of this website is very nice and attractive, but some UI elements has to be changed I think such as status bar which is at the extreme left which contains things like resources, exams etc which  has to be either at the top middle or has to be widened with the color changed and darkened, the event should be drop down menu instead of click to initialize it. And while logging it always shows to login with Facebook, G+ or Linkedin instead of user-id and password which I think is a bug which needs to be fixed.

Engineering Study Material: This section provides study material for four branches so the study material should be increased as per the branches. Also questions papers with solutions of the reputed universities like Mumbai, Karnataka where engineering students are in large numbers at an cost like 100 or 200 so that students can afford it easily.

Two Innovative marketing ideas:

Seminar and Workshops: I think this a great way to reach out to students, yes it is not possible to reach out to each and every college but can reach out to the reputed colleges of reputed universities so as to market your websites to tell students the facilities that they can get. Workshops can also be done in the reputed colleges on the topics of technologies like android, python etc so hence by this way students can come to know about your website.

Tools and Techniques: There are available tools available to help to grow across cross platform like Facebook analytics for apps which gives the complete analytics of websites, apps like location, age, gender of users logging in. It also helps in creating events to view more analytics, push, in-app notifications by which students can be retained easily. Also there are websites like which is a tool which users can directly share any of the content on social media,  which is a tool by which online chat can be done live with the users thus answering their questions and can also create an chat bot on facebook messenger to answer questions to students.


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