Why it is so hard to be an Entrepreneur for Women??

Why is so hard to Entrepreneur for Women

"My mama told me when I was young, we are all born superstars"  by Lady Gaga in Born this Way
When I listened it music, I understood that when you have a big dream you need to work hard. Probably many women have the same opinion. 

Well let me introduce myself, my name is Dayana Oliveira and I am from Brazil. I was born only child. My parents always teach me "How I could become independent?" , basically is a big challenge and for my long life I tried to learn mean things about it. 

But I always make a simple question for myself ,it this is true that just women work hard? Can be!

Most part the women work hard that many men to reconcile professional fulfilment, maternity and other achievements. But this is all?  I don't know yet, but I this is one of the few I can describe in this short article.

I decided to do a search with around 30 people (just women) for explain "Why I I quickly give up my goals?" And to my surprise the result was:

Brazil - SP (sample)

33%  - Not have time  

27%  - Because is so hard          

35% - I not have      

5% - My current job not allow me

In Sao Paulo, most big city in Brazil when all the things happen, have a lot of communities to help many women to learn about entrepreneur and help many women as "Rede Mulheres Empreendedoras".
 But it is vital as a small business only gains strength with the famous "mouth to mouth" (slang in Sao Paulo) to introduce the business the someone.

Most important is the quality of service and as you delivery (it is a big deal for people to indication for other person).


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